Becoming Raw - 5 Easy Ways To Maximize Your Nutrition At Every Meal!

Wheatgrass is a food made from the common wheat plant which is becoming more popular as an ingredient in juice recipes. Research has shown that wheatgrass has a healing effect in many different areas. It is consumed for its nutritional content which includes vitamins, minerals, amino acid, and enzymes.

Another powerful juice is the lemon ginger blast. This recipe is similar to the famous Master Cleanser lemonade drink made popular WheatGrass Powder by Stanley Burroughs.

And it contains seventy-five percent chlorophyll - most green vegetables have a great deal less than that - and chlorophyll reduces the risk of colon cancer. It's the "blood" of the plant world and its molecular structure is similar to our blood. No wonder it's an important ingredient in some of the better vegetable juices; you'll find that wheatgrass juices are right there with the rest of them.

A common example of a supplement in powder form is a "super greens" drink mix. These contain dehydrated grasses, among other powdered foods, including kelp, algae, brown rice, chlorella, and barley. Again these vary quite drastically, but they are all super healthy and highly recommended!

In the 20's and 30': Dr. Charles Schnabel, a Kansas City scientist added "greens" to chicken feed and the egg production rose from 38% to 94%! He reasoned if it works for chickens, it should work for children! Dr. Schnabel gave his family and neighbors dehydrated grass juice..."None of his children ever had a serious illness or a decayed tooth."- Buffalo Courier Express - June 1, 1942.

Juicing has many benefits but most people complain that juicing is too time consuming! If you don't have time during the week, set aside some time during the weekend to juice. You can also juice the night before, store it in the refrigerator, and then enjoy it the next day.

Wheatgrass is also available in powder form. Try a powder that is organic and has read more been freeze dried or dried in the sun. This method will retain the nutritional value of the plant. A powder can be used in smoothies or added to juice or water for a potent supplemental boost.

A word of caution if you're new to juicing wheatgrass. Because of its strong cleansing effects, consume a little of it throughout the day - just like many things, take a little at a time for the best effects. Don't drink it on an empty stomach and if you have a sensitive stomach, consider drinking wheatgrass juices every second day to start out. You'll still enjoy the benefits of wheatgrass and you'll find that over a short period of time, you'll be able to drink it every day.

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